Why DIY Projects Might Not Be Worth It


I might catch some heat for this but I think it’s worth saying. DIY projects may not be worth it - your time, your energy, your (potential) financial savings, and sanity.

I’ve DIY-ed my fair share of projects. Some have turned out great and some not so great. With the wonderful world of Pinterest everything seems “do-able”. Before you take on a DIY project for your wedding I ask you to consider a few questions first.

  1. How long is it going to take you? Will it be worth the amount of time you will need to invest in the project. Yes, you’ve done DIY projects but have you done it 200 times? Probably not.

  2. Will you have the patience to complete it? I don’t know about you but I often have to span DIY projects over multiple days because I get tired, my eyes get dry or I get frustrated.

  3. Will it actually save you money? If you’re familiar with DIY projects then you’ve probably experienced this a time or two. You decide you’re going to make something yourself instead of buying it and the materials end up costing more than if you bought it from someone else. Luckily, you can do a little research online to add up the cost of materials without even leaving your home.

  4. Will it turn out the way you want it to? There is something about Pinterest that makes me feel like I’m a damn artist. Like I can paint the freaking Sistine Chapel after reading one blog post. You feel me? I personally have to take a step back and evaluate my skills before committing to a project. Nothings worse than committing to a DIY and it turning out not like you envisioned.

If you do decide to DIY a project or two, I encourage you to limit the amount of projects you do or avoid projects where you’re making hundreds of something. Happy crafting!