IMO.. Wedding Pros Should Share More Of Their Business


Friends, we work so damn hard. The outside world thinks we just built a website and waited for clients to come through our door. I think it’s time we start sharing more of our business and the BTS.

There is so much pressure to come across like we have it all together. I think it’s time we show our audience, whether that be clients or other business owners, more of what we do day to day. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with showing up and being vulnerable. After all, isn’t that the most relatable? Your life isn’t perfect and I’m sure it’s comforting to know we are all going through our own shit. So why is there so much pressure to keep it nice and tidy? I value real and genuine connections. I value client and and friends who cheer on my authenticity. I value clients who appreciate me as a person as well as what I have to offer. And you know what? I don’t have it all together - despite what my Instagram feed might show you. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I schedule my content out ahead of time. There is no way I could keep up with my feed without scheduling the posts. That doesn’t make it any less real or authentic. It was both of those things in the moment. I just pressed a button to make it post a couple days later.

I’m making a promise to you and myself to start showing the not so pretty side of things. I hope you’ll join me.

