Books I'm Reading Right Now


I love reading. I love productive reading for the daytime and business story style books for at bedtime. If I read motivational or tactical business advice books before bed I won’t be able to fall asleep. I enjoy reading about how great entrepreneurs built their businesses too. They just have to be strategically placed throughout the day. You feel me?

Right now I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. This is my daytime motivational reading. I am a sucker for self-help books. Some of you might be rolling your eyes so hard. Hear me out.. I love learning new tactics to help me be the best version of myself. Even if some of them are total BS there’s usually a good takeaway from these kinds of books that I can apply to myself or my business.

I just picked up Cultivate by Lara Casey. It came recommended from one of my planner friends. The author founded Southern Weddings. That is so freaking cool! I’m excited to dive into this one and learn more about the author’s journey. Any book that is wedding related, even in the slightest degree, gets me amped.

I’m interested to hear from you! What books are your favs? Are there any I need to run out to Barnes and Noble and grab? Let me know in the comments!