It seems like blessings keep falling in my lap


Being a wedding planner in Charleston has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.

I’ve been really working on focusing on the blessing.

Placing less mental energy on

What I don’t have,

How many clients I’m not booking,

Those who don’t reach out to keep in touch,

The money I’m not making,

All the blogs I haven’t had time to write,

The social media posts I work so hard on that don’t do well,

How many people unfollow me each week,

All the people who didn’t care about connecting at that networking event,

Micro-analyzing every single aspect of my business until I run myself into the ground..

These are real and genuine thoughts I’ve had throughout this year. I don’t share them to cast negativity, actually the opposite. Owning my own business has taught me so much. I’m convinced I didn’t know what true anxiety was until these past few weeks.

But I’m on a journey to reframe and rewire my brain and focus my thoughts around

What I do have,

How many clients I have booked,

Those who do reach out and express interest in my life,

The money I am making,

The blogs I have the opportunity to put my heart into,

Those who appreciate my social media presence and enjoy following me,

How many people follow me each week and the blessing of a growing following,

Those who went out of their way to make my presence at a networking event feel valued,

Accepting that I cannot control every aspect of my business and life. I am a better partner to Jeremy, mama to Palmer, and resource to my clients when I am not the top list. “Self care” isn’t bubble baths and face masks - well they are but they have to be paired with respecting yourself enough to slow down and be thankful for the blessings constantly falling into your lap.


Kate 💕